Under Pressure (Blue Collar Alphas) Page 6
Not my style.
Chrome and leather, the smell of oil, and the weight of a wrench in my hand were my style. I knew I needed to work twice as hard to show these guys that I was the real deal.
“Slow day today.” Jackson’s voice vibrated with a deep timber. “Frank, can you take the oil changes? Got a chassis rebuild I want Sadie to work on with me.”
“A rebuild? Me? What?” I asked, shocked. I’d helped my dad on a few engine rebuilds over the years, but never a chassis.
“Time you flex those muscles. Said you had experience, right?” Jackson’s eyes cut to mine, holding me suspended in his intense gaze. How the hell would I get anything done working alongside him?
“Yeah, I just haven’t worked on the chassis before.”
“It shouldn't take more than a few hours,” Jackson murmured, tossing a pile of paperwork on his desk before turning to the crew. “Sadie and I will be in the back garage if you need me, guys.”
I swallowed, wondering what in the hell I was in for today.
I hated when Jackson singled me out, and he seemed to do it a lot in front of these guys. I didn’t know if I was being too sensitive, but it felt like he was testing me, like he couldn’t believe a girl would out-wrench a group of guys.
I knew I had the skills to prove him wrong, I just had to contain the erratic beat of my heart when he was next to me. It was hard to focus when Jackson Fox walked into a room. The little hairs on the back of my neck stood up, goosebumps pricked across my skin when his eyes landed on me, and that voice. Sweet lord in heaven, that voice was nothing short of sinful in the way it made my stomach coil and burn.
But I did have something to prove here, if not to him then certainly to myself.
No way would I let a man like Jackson Fox throw me off my course. I had dreams of opening my own body shop some day—McGuire Auto Body, after my dad. Working at Fox Motors was a priceless learning experience—picking up on the business side of fixing cars was something I didn’t know how to do—but I was determined, and that had to count for something.
“You ready to get dirty?” Jackson came around the corner of his desk, fixing his gaze on me.
I sucked in a quick breath. “Always.”
“Good. My kind of woman.” His lips twitched. “Now let’s get under that car.”
I followed him out the office door and to the back of the garage.. The way his long legs carried him across the lot was nothing short of intriguing. The faded jeans hugging his hips and the broad cut of his shoulders with those massive biceps stretching the thin white cotton of his T-shirt were a mouthwatering distraction.
I wasn’t sure why in the hell Jackson was working hands-on with me—until now he’d spent most of his days in the office handling scheduling and paperwork. But now he was here. With me.
What in the hell was I thinking?
My brain would short-circuit the minute he leaned over and asked me for a screwdriver.
Nothing about this job was easy, but working alongside Jackson Fox would make it almost impossible. I could only hope I didn’t make a complete ass out of myself and get fired by the end of the day.
We stepped into the garage, my nerves on high alert already, before he turned, piercing me with his intense fucking eyes that stole all the breath in my body.
“Sadie…” The way his tongue curled around the word had the effect of his mouth fucking my name. My stomach fell into a dark pit, my nerves crawling with arousal, my thighs aching to shift back and forth to relieve the pounding desire between them.
“Yes?” I finally breathed.
Jackson took a step closer, his eyes burning up the contours of my face before settling on my irises. One hand rose, his thumb and finger brushing across my temple. “I hope you don’t mind I pulled you today. I wanted to have some one-on-one time with you.”
My heart ratcheted another dozen notches, no thoughts in my mind, only the urge to throw myself into his arms and taste his lips. “Oh…kay.”
My brain ceased to function. It died a painless death right there on the floor of that garage.
“It can’t be easy, being the only woman in the garage.” His eyes trained on my lips, one hand settled at my neck, his thumb dragging across the hollow of my throat.
Oh Jesus.
Oh Jesus, Sadie. Get it together.
“I don’t let it get to me,” I uttered, my eyes focused on his. His own eyes watched my lips form the quiet words.
“I know you don’t,” Jackson muttered, leaning a little closer, his nose dusting the shell of my ear. My stomach flipped, my knees weak with every one of his movements. “Thing is, Sadie, I can’t get you off my mind.”
My fingers clutched at his steely forearms. His other hand weaved down the dip of my back, fingertips sliding just under the waistband of my jeans, making contact with my skin.
Jackson husked in my ear, “I’m bringing you home with me tonight and every night after.”
“I keep imagining the taste of you on my lips.” My fingers slid a little farther down the waistband of her jeans, those sexy fucking jeans that hugged her enticing curves, leaving me with a throbbing hard-on all day as I watched her work.
“Jackson,” she gasped, her eyelids fluttering closed. She was so fucking sexy, so innocent, so completely fucking made for me I couldn't believe I finally had her under my hands. It’d been torture watching her these last few weeks. I even had a moment where I thought it was a mistake to hire her. A girl in the shop was one thing. A sexier-than-hell one was a whole other deal.
“The way you’re rockin’ your hips makes me think you want my tongue on you,” I growled when I slipped my hand farther inside and found her ass cheeks completely bare. “You’re wearing a thong, Sadie?”
She shook her head wildly..
“And this is?” I groaned, palming the flesh of her ass cheeks in my hand. So fucking sexy. My cock was rock hard and begging to cum deep inside her.
“Nothing… I wear nothing.”
I couldn’t see straight, certainly couldn’t think straight after that. My lips crashed against hers as I lifted her against me. We careened against a wall, my hand supporting both of us as her lips parted and our tongues tangled together.
“Watching you bent over a car every day for the last six weeks has been fucking hell,” I snarled, nestling my cock at the hot, wet source of all my of fantasies.
“I wondered why you gave me a dirty look every time I walked into the room.”
“That wasn’t a dirty look, baby. That was pain. You make my cock so fucking hard I could pound nails.” Her breathing sped up, her hips rocking wildly until I spun us around, laying her across the hood of the car we were supposed to be fixing. “I’ve been dreaming of this pretty pussy since the second you walked into my garage.”
My fingers stroked across the seam of her jeans—hot, damp arousal burning my fingertips and sending my brain into a frenzy. I pressed, rubbing around, where I imagined her clit was, dreaming of the time I’d get my lips on it. Our lips crashed together, her hands in my hair, running circles across my scalp before she tugged on the strands.
“So fuck me then,” she purred, eyes riveted on mine in challenge.
“Jesus, don’t tempt me, gorgeous.” I trailed my tongue up her neck, imbibing the scent of her, desperate to see her crash in waves of pleasure on my hand.
“Since when are you so polite?” she teased.
I narrowed my eyes, my cock aching like it never had before, until I pushed a hand down the waistband of her pants and made contact with the searing flesh of her pussy. She arched and moaned, her fingers clutching the flesh at my shoulders.
“Oh God…harder.”
“You’re a sweet little surprise, aren’t you?” I husked, speeding my fingers until I felt her thighs tensing around my palm.
“Oh my God…” she whispered desperately, her fingernails digging into my biceps. I slid my tongue past her lips, catching her groans
before her muscles quaked and she came in a torrent around me. I sucked in deep breaths, trying to control myself as I watched her teeth clamp down on her bottom lip, stifling little moans I was desperate to hear.
“That’s it, Sadie, give it to me.” I eased my fingers out, letting her come down from her release. “I want all your orgasms from here on out.” I fucked her mouth with my tongue, showing her how much I wanted her, how desperate I was to feel her, how she made me lose control like no one else ever had. “Got that?”
Her eyes fluttered open, her mouth curving in a small grin. “I got that, boss.”
My eyes flared, my nostrils sucking in the sweet scent of her cum before I pulled a hand from her pants and thrust it between my lips. “Sweet as fucking candy, Sadie.”
A blush crept up her cheeks before she straightened her hair, sliding up to a sitting position with her knees tucked between us.
“Ready to get to work?”
Her eyes shot open, wider than hubcaps, before she slid off the hood of the car. “I’m ready.”
“Good.” I smacked her on the ass, a cocky grin burning up my lips. “I like you ready for me.”
I have to thank my ever so loving and patient husband. You truly are my HEA, babe. < 3 Thank you to Aria's Assassins for keeping my fire burning. I am forever grateful for your love and cheerleading! I can't thank the ArdentProse team enough. You ladies make my life so much easier and I love you for it! To my ladies... the ladies that love to get lost in books about true and last lasting love... THANK YOU!!! Writing books you love is what keeps me going. You are my rock stars!
About the Author
Also by Aria Cole
Bending Bethany
Chasing Charlie
Taking Tessa
The Long Ball
Cheeky Christmas
Under Construction
Under Her Hood
Valentine For Hire
Sweet Valentine
The Modern Fairy Tale Collection