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Under Pressure (Blue Collar Alphas) Page 5

  She sighed, hands in my hair, legs locked around my waist as I pumped in and out of her to the rhythm of my rapid-fire heartbeat.

  “I didn’t know I loved crazy so much,” I whispered, sucking on her bottom lip as we rocked against each other. “And I don’t want to live another day of my life without you in it.” I wrapped a palm around her neck, cupping her throat softly as we kissed, as I spoke, as I said all the things she, and only she, made me feel. “Marry me, Delaney. Marry me tomorrow.”

  Her dark eyes flashed open, darting to mine. “W-what?”

  “Be my wife. I want to share everything with you. My bed, my home, my restaurant, my everything. Be mine forever, Delaney.”

  “I-I can’t believe you’re saying this right now.”

  “Say yes, Delaney.” I thrust into her slowly, reminding her I was still buried nine inches deep.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said you were crazy.”

  “I don’t say things I don’t mean.” I sped up, hitting the end of her then dragging back out.

  “I’m beginning to understand that.”

  “So say yes.”

  She scrunched her eyebrows, nails digging into my back.

  My lips turned up in a cocky grin, everything about this moment making me feel more fucking alive than I ever had before.

  “You’re stubborn.”

  “You’re an angel.” I kissed her lips, unrelenting.

  “I don’t know if I can put up with you every day of forever.”

  “I know I can’t go without you a single day of forever. Say yes.” I breathed against her lips, trailing my tongue along the seam before sliding in and showing her just how fucking deep my love for her ran.

  “What if you get sick of me?”

  “Not possible. You’ll get sick of me first.” I grinned crookedly. “Yes?”

  Her eyes twinkled up at me, her lips twitching in the softened grin. “Yes.”

  I covered her in kisses, loving her until we were both breathless and craving more.

  I’d always crave more of Delaney.

  I’d been starved for her.


  Delaney - eleven months later

  “Delaney!” His gravelly voice barreled down the hallway.

  “Yeah, babe?” I grinned, wondering what it could possibly be this time.

  “I don’t know what to do with it!”

  I sped up my previously slow shuffle. I could hear the frustration lacing his voice. This was all new for a guy like him. No way had he ever anticipated being here so soon. “It’s not an it, babe. It’s our daughter.”

  “Yeah, but right now, she doesn’t look like a her. She looks like a tiny alien. And I’m pretty sure that—” he pointed to our newborn on the changing table “—shouldn’t be coming out of there.”

  I had to stifle my laugh before I curled an arm around his waist and snuggled closer. “What would I do without you?”

  “Wouldn’t have a problem with the air quality in this room for starters,” he quipped.

  “Don’t go giving her a complex, Daddy.”

  He pulled me in for a kiss on the forehead, giving my hair a ruffle. “Love you, Momma.”

  “I couldn’t live a day without you.”

  “I know.” His dimple deepened. “We established that when I pressured you into saying I do.”

  “Yeah, I do remember something about pressure.” I teased, bumping him out of the way with my hip before taking over the job at the changing table. “Watch and listen.” I shot him a sassy grin. “I won’t always be here to take care of these things. You have to know how to do it. Don’t be afraid.”


  “Hmm?” I finished, closing the diaper and snuggling the warm little bundle into my arms.

  “She’s ten days old. I’m still pretty fucking terrified.”

  “Well, don’t be. You can’t break her.”

  “I'm not worried about breaking her.” His heavy palm covered our sleeping infant’s back. “I’m worried about making her proud. I’m worried about making you proud.”

  His soulful eyes burned back at me, sweeping all the air from my lungs and reminding me just why I fell in love with this man. Just why I’d said I do eleven months ago. Jean-Luc was the other half of my soul.

  From the moment I’d said yes that night on his couch, I’d never looked back. We’d been all in. The following morning, I’d bought the first white dress that fit off the rack and then married him in front of a judge and two witnesses. But that wasn’t the happiest day of my life. This one was. They all were, each after the next, like a domino effect. Our love grew deeper and burned brighter every day. And watching him hold our tiny daughter in his arms for the first time, the tears leaking down his stubbled cheeks, I’d fallen harder for him that day than any other.

  And watching him try to change her diaper right now was pretty damn good too.

  “You make me proud every day.”

  His hand covered my neck, pulling me in for a warm kiss. The pads of his fingers worked slow circles at my nape, loosening my muscles and melting me a little more into his strong and steadfast form. “Love you to the end of the world and back, Delaney. You and our little Simone complete me.”

  I nuzzled into my daughter's delicate little head, taking a deep inhale of her heady scent. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Jean-Luc. I can’t imagine loving anything more than I do both of you right now.”

  His arms circled my waist, curling both of us into his wide body, protective hands covering my back as he whispered, “So damn glad I pressured you to be my wife.”

  “Thank God you're so stubborn.”

  He swatted my ass, causing a giggle to escape my lips.

  “Shh, she’s falling asleep.”

  “If she's anything like you, she’ll sleep through anything.” He nipped at my ear.

  “That’s probably true.” I laid the sleeping cuddler in her crib.

  Jean-Luc leaned over, cupping her little downy head in his big palm. “She’s a miracle, Delaney.”

  “She definitely is.” I watched as my big, rough husband cradled our darling little daughter in the palm of his hand. Everything about this warmed my heart, made me so grateful, so much more content than I’d ever been. Happiness coursed through my veins seeing the two of them together.

  “I can’t wait to have more,” he finally said, looking up at me with that crooked grin.

  That dimple.

  “We’re never gonna make it six weeks, are we?”

  His laugh echoed through the small pink nursery. “You said it, not me.”

  I frowned, thinking I didn’t give two shits about the warning. I felt fine, I’d had a perfectly normal birth, everyone had said so. And going to bed with a man like Jean-Luc every night and not being able to touch him was practically torture.

  “You're pouting like a teenager.”

  “Shut up,” I whispered, swatting his arm before darting out of the room.

  He was hot on my heels, arms circling my waist from behind me. “I'm going to have so much fun torturing you for the next six weeks.”

  An audible groan vibrated from my chest.

  “You're so cute when you’re frustrated.”

  “I hate that you’re so damn hot when you’re cocky,” I shot back, settling on the couch.

  He flopped down next to me, scooping my feet in his hands and working the weary muscles in slow, decadent circles. “You hungry, Momma? I can whip up truffle risotto and steak.”

  My eyes caught his concerned ones, pools of love melting back at me. I loved him, from the tips of my toes right up to the apples of my cheeks. I was filled with love and couldn't wait for more. I had a whole lifetime of love to look forward to, and him, her, us—we were only just beginning.

  “I’m afraid to ask what’s put that look on your face.” He arched one playful eyebrow.

  “Love.” I closed the space between us, covering his lips with mine and tasting the on
e thing I’d craved every moment since the day we’d met.

  Him. Everything about him.

  He may have pressured me to say yes, but every day since, I’d been showing him just how damn glad I was he had.

  “Crazy for you, Delaney,” he whispered between kisses. “Completely crazy.”


  Jean-Luc - ten years later

  “Daddy!” one of my daughters hollered through the kitchen at the top of her lungs.

  “Yeah, baby?” I called, my voice instantly softening.

  “Auntie Gia stuck a finger in your soup!”

  “Gia!” I growled at my wife’s best friend. My four daughters and my wife might be immune to my temper, but that was it. “Out! Out of my kitchen.”

  Gia stuck out her tongue at me, causing Simone, an incredibly smart and sassy ten-year-old, to break out in giggles. They evacuated my kitchen, but not before swiping breadsticks from the warming basket.

  “I swear, if it wasn’t my blood running through them…”

  “Ah, you ain’t seen nothing. Wait.” Nero patted me on the back. “Wait till she starts dating.”

  “Don’t you even fucking start with me, Nero.”

  His laugh cut through the kitchen, causing a few other staff members to look up and chuckle. They all worked diligently, heads down most of the time because that's what I required. Éloïse hadn’t earned three Michelin stars over the last fifteen years without working hard for it.

  “You're lucky you’ve got Delaney to keep them in line. They listen to her.” He wagged his finger at me. “She’s just like her momma, a hard-ass, that one.”

  I laughed, because it was true. Delaney was like a momma bear with anyone in her family. She protected and loved fiercely, and because of that, she wasn’t afraid to tell you exactly when you were stepping out of line.

  Not that I had. At least, not since that first day when I’d learned my lesson and tried to walk away from us. Never again.

  I was tied to Delaney, our lives entangled like the roots of a tree. I loved that woman more than I loved life itself for one simple reason: my life wouldn't exist without her. I’d be a hollow, empty shell, a poor excuse for a human being that went through the motions. “Delaney and those girls brought me to life, Nero.”

  His smile turned softer, his hand resting on my shoulder as we paused for a minute around the chaos of the éloïse kitchen. “I know she did, brother. Thank God for women, we’d be lost without them.”

  I nodded, feeling the truth of his words in every fiber of my being.

  “They’re a crazy beautiful bunch, though. Doesn't mean you don’t have to keep them under wraps. They get about twelve, and all hell breaks loose.”

  I growled, shooting him a dark glare before grunting and nodding back to his station, a red wine sauce simmering a little too actively for my taste.

  He only shook his head and chuckled, turning back to the pan and giving it a stir before turning down the flame.

  “I’ll be right back,” I gritted out and headed for the back door. I shoved through the heavy metal, slipping out into the cool air of the Brooklyn night.

  I sucked in a breath as the sounds and smells of the city descended on me. Much like Delaney and those kids, this restaurant, hell, this city was in my life blood. It was a part of me as much as I was a part of it.

  The door creaked open a moment later, and my beautiful girl popped her head out. “You doing okay, babe?”

  I grinned, pulling her out of the door and into my arms. I shoved my nose into her silky hair and inhaled a deep breath. “I am now.”

  Her arms curled around my waist, her nose nuzzling into my shirt as we shared the quiet moment amidst all the rest that made up the normal parts of our daily lives.

  “You need a vacation. A week at Disney wasn’t enough. We need something for just you and me.”

  “Mm, I won’t disagree with you on that,” I murmured against her forehead, slipping my fingertips down the waistband of her pants and feeling the shiver that burned through her. “Remind me why it isn’t a good idea if I pull your pants down right here and slide inside of you? I’m a creature of habit, and that’s the best form of stress relief I know.”

  “Because we’re in a public place…” Her voice lowered an octave. I could tell just the thought of it turned her on. “Someone could walk out at any time.” My hand slid a little farther into her pants, teasing at the elastic of her panties. “And we’re supposed to be working.”

  “Those reasons aren’t good enough.” I caught her lip between my teeth and tugged, eliciting a groan from her.

  “Also,” she simpered, fingertips tangling in the hair curling over my ears. “I think I’m pregnant.”

  I ingested her words, hands tightening at her hips. “No way, Delaney.”

  Her smile deepened, lips attaching to mine. “Yes way, Daddy.”

  I cradled her face in my palms, kissing her until I was short of breath and craving more. “You're the best part of me. I can’t wait to raise another baby with you.”

  “Even if it’s a girl?” She cocked her head teasingly.

  “Especially if it’s a girl,” I whispered against her neck. “With a house full of little Delaneys running around, I'm the luckiest damn guy in Brooklyn.”




  Sadie McGuire took the mechanic job at Fox Motors because there were no other options available, and working on cars is the only thing she knows how to do. But a bossy, growly, alpha-asshole of a boss isn't something she bargained for. Neither is the way he makes her panties damp with one stolen glance. Now it's just a matter of getting through the days without spontaneously combusting under his hard gaze.

  Jackson Fox hired sweet little Sadie for one reason: she was sexier than hell when she begged him for the job in those skin-tight blue jeans. The fact that she's talented under the hood of a car is just icing on the cake. But now he can't get the sexy, smart-ass blonde out of his head. Or his garage. There's only one option left—to scratch the sexy little itch that's been plaguing his fantasies, or risk losing his head--and his business.

  Warning: Under her Hood is a forbidden romp in the backseat of a classic muscle car—sensual curves, hard edges, and steamed up windows! When Jackson and Sadie come together sparks fly--rev up the engine because this is one wild ride with a sexy mechanic you won't forget!



  “Sadie fucking McGuire!” My best friend whipped around, eyes leveled on me. “You didn’t tell me your boss was all kinds of fuck-hot!”

  “Well, considering he’s an asshole, I guess I wouldn’t say that.” I climbed out of the car and gave her a small wave. “Thanks for the ride to work. I swear I’ll have my car fixed today, then no more rides.”

  “It’s okay.” She winked. “I like the eye candy around here.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not sure when I’ll be home. If you can’t find me, you know I’ll be here working on Lucy.”

  “Think you can score me the boss’ number, too?” She leered.

  I laughed with a shake of my head. “I’ll do my best.”

  “Grow your hair out, put on some lip gloss—men like lip gloss. Makes them think about kissing you.”

  “I don’t want him kissing me!” The truth was, I had thought about Jackson Fox kissing me, a lot. My hand involuntarily reached up to my short blond bob, fussing with it like I always did when I was uncomfortable. I’d never wanted long hair, short and sassy matched my style, but more importantly it was convenient. Suddenly I was thinking about Jackson’s strong hands tugging on my hair as he bruised my lips with strong, soft kisses.

  “Whatever. Prude.” Ashley blew me a kiss as she backed out of the parking space. “Love you!”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I waved her off before turning to go into the office.

  I’d only been working at Fox Motors for a few weeks. I’d had to cajole the owner and boss, Jackson Fox
, to give me the job. It wasn’t every day that a twenty-four-year-old woman walked into an auto body garage looking for work. But I was good at working on cars. I’d been doing it for years alongside my daddy, and I knew damn well I could show these guys a thing or two.

  My mom hadn’t been very pleased when I’d told her what I wanted to do. She’d said she didn’t want a grease monkey for a daughter, but I didn’t give a shit. I loved cars, I loved the sense of accomplishment in fixing something and bringing it back to life.

  And after Daddy had died suddenly from a massive heart attack, it was the only thing I could bring myself to do. It felt like he was still with me. Being around cars was what my father and I had, and I never wanted to lose that. If I didn’t have my head under a car’s hood, I’d be hiding out in my room, depressed and dwelling on the loss of the only man I’d ever loved, the only man who’d ever cared for and protected me.

  “Mornin’, Sadie.” Lowell, one of the other mechanics, greeted me.

  “Morning.” I smiled. “Get that Charger purrin’ yesterday?”

  “Purrin’ like a kitten. Manifold needed work. Took me a while to figure it out, but man it was worth it to hear her sing.”

  “I bet.” I grinned, glancing at the cobalt-blue beauty parked in the front lot.

  “Sadie.” My boss, Jackson Fox, nodded as he came into the office.

  “Hi.” I looked away, feeling the intense dark eyes eating me up. Jackson had that way about him…that thing that drew women in like flies, had them flipping their hair and dropping their panties with just one crooked twitch of his sinful lips.

  No wonder Ashley wanted his number. If I were a different girl, I would, too. But I wasn’t the kind of girl men like Jackson went for. I avoided makeup most days, wore torn jeans, and kept my head down. Being a female in the auto industry meant I had something to prove. No way would I be the girl that dates the boss. I could just picture the guys snickering and saying how I fucked my way into a job, never mind that I was dedicated and amazing at it .