Perfect Chemistry Read online

Page 3

  I cleared my throat, trying my damnedest to avoid her eyes as I started class. I went through the normal routine, clarifying points from the chapters they’d been assigned to read the night before and taking a few questions. The minutes passed as I did my best not to focus on the beauty in the front row while I fulfilled my obligation to these students. Teaching chemistry was about the only respite I had from my all-consuming obsession with Karoline.

  “Okay, guys. Only a few minutes left before the bell rings, so please use them to get a jump-start on tonight’s chapter.”

  The class groaned and shuffled, anxious as ever to hear that little bell that signaled freedom.

  Settling back in my desk, I caught a glimpse of movement and looked up to find Karoline approaching my desk. I fought to keep the smile from tugging at my lips. We couldn’t risk a single suspicious eye on us.

  “How can I be of service to you, Ms. Kingston?” My words dripped with double meaning. I wanted to serve her all right, right into submission.

  Karoline’s lips turned up in a smile that burned itself right into my heart. My eyes drifted down her body, lingering for a moment on the ample swell of her breasts beneath her modest shirt. I couldn’t wait to feel the weight of them in my hands, then suck on the tender buds of her nipples as my fingertips brushed across every nerve in her body.

  I couldn’t help the half smile that pulled at my lips as my eyes landed on hers.

  Her pretty lips parted, and she was about to reply when she was interrupted.

  “Ohh look, curvy Karoline showing off for the teacher!” Shawn fucking Matthews chimed from the back of class.

  A chorus of snickers erupted, and I had to stop myself from launching down the rows of desks and pulling him out of his seat by his throat.

  My frown deepened when Karoline’s cheeks flamed, her muscles tensing as she sucked in a fortifying breath before she turned around, swiped her things from her desk, and walked out of the classroom. The entire class laughed as she went.

  I slammed my palms on my desk and stood. “Get out of my classroom. Tell the principal exactly what you said, and I'll be up there to fill him in on the rest.” Warning laced my tone. “Read until the bell rings, all of you.”

  I left my room, cutting down the hallway to head to the library. Pushing through the double doors, I headed for the only corner of the library Karoline ever sat in.

  My gaze landed on her downturned head. “You okay?” I pulled her from her chair and held her chin between my fingers.

  She blinked once, her eyes blurring with unshed tears before her bottom lip quivered.

  “Come here.” I locked her hand with mine and pulled her into the projector room, which was dark, tiny, and totally private.

  “Sweetheart, don't let him get to you. He's like every other jealous bastard in this school. You're so much better than them, Karoline. I saw it from day one. That's why he says those things.”

  She nodded before swiping at a tear and putting on a strong smile.

  I rubbed her arm, wishing I could pull her into my embrace and soothe away all her pain.

  “Thank you. I'll be okay. I just needed to get away from all those eyes for a minute. I'm used to the dirty comments.”

  My blood boiled with anger that she had to deal with this at all. “If he does it again, I'll kill him. I can promise you that.”

  “Don't be crazy.”

  “I'm not. The kid's a loser. The other day, I walked into the bathroom as he was sneaking something into his friend’s pocket. It looked like pills, so I’ve got a feeling he’s up to no good.”

  Karoline worried her bottom lip. “Shawn is never up to anything good, but I don't want you to get in trouble.”

  “Never.” I pulled away, dropping my hands from her just in case anyone walked in and saw us. “But I swear to you, if he fucks with you again—if anyone fucks with you again—I need to know. I feel responsible for you. I can't explain it and it may not make any sort of logical sense, but just give me that, okay? Promise you’ll let me take care of you at least in some way?”

  Her lips turned up at just the corner. I’d never felt so strong an urge to kiss her as I did right then. I licked my lips, my fingers twitching to get her in my arms again.

  “I want to kiss you so damn badly.” I rested my thumb on her lips briefly. “But I'll wait. It’s torture, but I’ve been waiting for a lifetime. What’s a little longer?”

  Her eyes bore into mine in disbelief. “No one’s ever wanted to take care of me before.”

  “Ever?” I asked incredulously.

  She shook her head sadly. “Not once.”

  “Well that changes right now.” I stroked the soft skin at her wrist. “I wake up thinking about you, and I go to bed with you on my mind. I’m a hard man, Karoline. I’m rigid, and moody, and stubborn as hell, but you soften all those edges. You show me what life is supposed to be about.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment. “What’s life supposed to be about?”

  “Love.” I trailed the pad of my thumb across the full outline of her lips. “Giving love, accepting love. If you don’t have those two things, nothing else matters. You’ve got a beautiful heart, Karoline, and you make me want to be a better man to deserve it.”

  She nodded, her eyes riveted on mine as emotion of an entirely different sort swirled in her irises. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  My mouth twisted into a grin before I pulled a lock of her hair through my fingers, then I danced a fingertip across her shoulder and down her arm. A slow shiver rolled through her body. Just as I was about to press her lips to mine, the shrill call of the bell echoed around us.

  My eyes dropped closed, my heart hammering in unsteady beats as I mustered up the will to do the right thing.

  “You’d better get to your next class.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded, gathering her bag, and turned to walk out the door of the small room.

  She looked back once, her radiant smile making my own widen.

  I couldn't wait to make Karoline mine in every way, but she already was in the most important way…

  I'd captured her heart.



  The days turned cooler as weeks flew by, summer melting into fall as Mr. Walsh and I continued our forbidden dance, day in and day out. I found it was easier for me to focus if I studied at school, and having a few minutes alone in the car with Mr. Walsh never hurt either. I’d quickly come to enjoy our easy banter. I’d never felt more like an equal to anyone, not my parents or other students, and certainly not a guy.

  Mr. Walsh made me smile, and I felt more like myself, more like the girl I’d been hiding behind too big cardigans and a meek smile.

  I sighed, cracking my English book after school as I hunched over a table in the library. My favorite corner was surrounded by shelves of chemistry books, making me think of Mr. Walsh, and I couldn't help smiling. My eyes darted up toward the solid black door we’d once ducked behind, and I remembered his hands on my body and my lips. Just the memory of his body pressed against mine made me dizzy with greedy lust.

  I didn’t know if I’d have a chance to see him tonight because of the big football game. I fidgeted, feeling like going the entire weekend without seeing him would be torture. I’d gotten good at hiding my desire for him for the sake of appearances, but the threads around my heart were thinning. I couldn’t keep up this masquerade much longer. I would be eighteen soon, but waiting for the time to pass felt like hell. I knew just because I turned eighteen didn’t mean we could be together. Mr. Walsh was my teacher and his reputation was everything, but turning eighteen meant we could at least be together in other ways, biding our time until we could finally be open with our relationship after I graduated.

  The sound of a door opening pulled me from my thoughts. The library was always a ghost town whenever there was a big game. Apparently I was one of the few kids in school who didn’t descend on the field to cheer and chant. Sports had neve
r been for me. Neither were jocks or the pretty ponytailed cheerleaders they dated.

  I flipped a page in my book, trying desperately to focus on Shakespeare, when a dark shadow hovered over me. I glanced up, my heart battering the inside of my chest as Mr. Walsh’s fiery gaze narrowed on mine.

  “Afternoon.” His greeting hung between us. Raw energy cascaded off him in waves, making my veins hum with electrical charges.

  We were drawn together by some primal, biological desire. I’d never believed in love at first sight, but I did believe in chemistry, and the mix of feelings that collided in my stomach whenever he was around was the only confirmation I needed. Ignoring this thing between me and Mr. Walsh wasn’t an option.

  “Hi.” I stood from my chair, not really sure what I was going to do next.

  His eyes darted around the library before his hands locked on my wrist. He pulled me gently against him, opening the door behind his back and guided us into the dark projector room again.

  My hands landed on the broad expanse of his pectorals, butterflies banging against my ribcage as I wished he would wrap my legs around his waist and push his tongue inside my mouth until I was gasping for air.

  “I came to tell you I can’t bring you home tonight. I’ve been roped into shuttling kids home after the game tonight.” Exasperation threaded through his voice and I wanted to ease it.

  “That’s all right. I never expect you to bring me home. I can walk.”

  “But I love doing it. And I hate the thought of you walking.”

  “I’ve walked it for the last few years,” I said softly, trying to ease his worry.

  “Call me when you get home then. I need to know you’re okay. I won’t sleep otherwise.” He held up a folded sticky note, a phone number scribbled in blue ink, before tucking it quickly into the front pocket of my jeans.

  His thoughtfulness never ceased to overwhelm me. “I love that you want to take care of me. Thank you, Mr. Walsh.”

  A low rumble escaped from his throat before his hands tightened at my waist for a fraction and he pulled me closer to him. “I can’t stand you calling me Mr. Walsh anymore. Call me Devon. I want to hear my name rolling off your lips.”

  My cheeks flamed with heat before I smiled. “Devon.”

  He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes flaring with something intense before his hands rushed up my torso and wove around the back of my neck.

  It was the most intimate way he’d ever touched me, and it made me feel the wildest, most thrilling things. I was sure he was going to lean in to kiss me. My eyes fluttered closed when I felt his thumbs brushing across my cheeks. His breath washed across my neck and warmed me to the core. I shifted, my nipples hardening painfully before I felt the slow drag of his nose down my neck and over one shoulder.

  Just when I thought I was about to combust with my first ever orgasm, Mr. Walsh—Devon— licked my collarbone.

  A groan danced past my lips as every muscle in my body seemed to melt under his touch.

  “You taste even better than I imagined.” His fingers threaded in my hair as he tugged my head to the side gently and whispered his lips across the hypersensitive flesh. “I didn't know a woman could make a man feel this way. I've had a thousand dreams, and they've all starred you.” My knees quaked as my fingernails dug into the hard muscle at his shoulders. “I need to make sure you're protected and well taken care of—you're my world now. The day you turn eighteen, I want every goddamn man within miles to know it.”

  My heart battered my ribcage as his words soaked in. He wanted me. He really and truly wanted me. I felt safe in his arms, and I trusted him with my heart. “My birthday’s in a week.”

  Devon’s eyes closed as if he was in physical pain before his forehead rested against mine. I could feel his ragged breaths washing across my neck and chest. The man sent butterflies crashing through my stomach, made me laugh and smile and feel unbelievably safe. I couldn't wait to turn eighteen and share so much more with him.

  “I should get back,” he finally said, his hands caressing my skin one last time before he dropped them from my body.

  “Yes, Devon.” I wanted to beg him to run away with me right now, convince him to take me back to his place and kiss me until we were both so lost in each other we couldn’t tell where he started and I began.

  My fingers itched to run through the dark locks of his hair, so on instinct, I did. His breaths nearly sent me over the edge. Forget losing my virginity on a bed—he could take me in that dark room and I’d let him.

  I’d let him do anything.

  “Seven days?” His fingers twisted with mine.

  “Technically six.” I beamed at him before stretching on my toes and placing a kiss on his chin.

  “You can bet I’m counting down.”

  “Good.” I grinned, feeling as though I was on cloud nine, as I did whenever I was with him.

  “I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”

  I couldn't form words after that. I only nodded when he opened the door and gestured me out.

  “Take care of yourself, Ms. Kingston.”

  A grin split my cheeks. I couldn't turn around to give him one final wave because I was sure I’d drop directly to my knees and beg him to forget the next six days and claim me now.

  I wanted to be his more than anything else. This man showed me so much love and affection and I wanted to give it back because, for the first time in my life, I was falling in love.



  I walked the hallway a few hours later, using halftime to check on Karoline. I didn’t know if she was still in the library like a good little student, but if she was, maybe I could drive her home a little earlier. At least then I’d know for sure she was safe and sound and not on the sidewalk late at night once this game let out.

  I whistled an upbeat tune as I turned another corner and rested my hand on the library door before I heard the scuffle of shoes behind me. I turned, my heart stumbling when I caught sight of a shadow beneath the stairwell across the hall. My eyes narrowed as I advanced on the shadow, hoping like hell I wasn’t going to find what I was afraid I might find. I turned into the darkness and spied Shawn Matthews, his hand running up Karoline’s thigh.

  “You got me in trouble, bitch, and now I’m gonna get what’s been coming to me.” His hand fisted at her ass cheek, and I saw fucking red.

  Without a single thought pulsing through my brain other than my need to pulverize him, I launched at him and tore him off my girl. Swinging him around against the brick wall, I wrapped my fingers around his scrawny throat and tightened.

  “I told you, you so much as fucking look at her, your time at this school is over.”

  Shawn’s eyes flamed with anger before he opened his mouth. “What’s it to you? She’s been teasing me in those short skirts all year.”

  “The fuck she has. You’re a fucking leech on this school. I know you’re dealing in the bathrooms, and it just so happens I was sent a video last night with the proof. Once I show it to the principal, you’ll be expelled.”

  Shawn's eyes widened, his hands beginning to twitch and tremble.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get your GED, but I’m not sure you could even pull that off. Give me whatever is in your pockets,” I said.

  He shoved a hand deep into the denim and retrieved a dozen or more pills I assumed he’d been meaning to unload today.

  “I’m calling the principal to let him know what you’ve been up to. I’m sure he’ll want to speak to you come Monday, and I would expect a few police officers as well. Get out of here.”

  I let him loose and watched as he stumbled down the hall, his head whipping back repeatedly to make sure I wasn’t following. He turned the corner, heading for the main doors and, hopefully soon, out of our lives.


  Karoline’s arms found their way around my waist, and I enveloped her into the tightest hug I could muster. Our hearts pounding in rhy
thm together, I held her for long moments, uncaring if we were caught. All that mattered was that she was safe and in my arms.

  I breathed into her silky hair. “Can’t let you out of my sight for a second.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t you dare say sorry. I’m the one who should be apologizing. I should have kicked that fucker out months ago. I’m going to have to take better care of my girl.” I pulled her in tighter, my heart still pounding as the few tears tracking down her cheeks dried to salt stains.

  “I just stepped out to stretch my legs, and he ran right into me. I still have a few chapters to get through. I should get back to the library.”

  “Karoline, let me take you home. You don’t have to worry about reporting this. I’m calling the cops, and I can inform the principal when I get back. That useless fuck won’t ever step foot back in this school, but maybe a little rest will help you calm down—”

  “No, you help me calm down. Only you.” Her arms tightened around my waist again, her head on my chest as she sucked in calming breaths. “I only need you, Devon.”

  “Jesus, Karoline, I’d take a bullet for you, you know that, right?” I meant it. With every wild beat of my heart, I meant it.

  Karoline pulled away, her aqua eyes peering up at me before a smile brightened her entire face. “Now, I do.”

  “It was always true. From the moment you stepped into my classroom, my life changed forever.”

  I watched her swallow. “Thank you. I don’t think I can say that enough.”

  “You don’t have to, baby. Having you in my arms is more than enough.”

  Karoline’s eyes bled with emotion as we stood as if suspended in time. “Six days?”

  A chuckle fled from my lips. “Six days. It’s a date.”

  “Our first one.” She grinned as she backed away.

  “First of a thousand, baby.”

